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ProductLiftProductLiftProduct Management Platformr ubenbuijsr ubenbuijsMaker of ProductLift


Target featured snippets, and refresh content for 2000+ word articles. Potential to 5x organic traffic and dominate product management niche.

ProductLift SEO Audit

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ProductLift is a platform designed for product managers to gather, analyze, and announce new features.
This SEO audit aims to uncover opportunities for improving their search visibility and organic traffic.
We'll dive deep into their current performance, compare it with competitors, and provide actionable recommendations for growth.

Domain Authority and Backlink Profile

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  • Domain Rating: 65 (up from 50s last year)
  • Referring Domains: Relatively low, but high-quality
ProductLift has shown impressive growth in domain authority over the past year, jumping from the 50s to a solid 65.
This growth is particularly noteworthy given the relatively low number of referring domains, indicating that the backlinks they have acquired are of exceptionally high quality.

Key Observations

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  1. Internal Linking Strategy: ProductLift benefits from internal linking with other products from the same company (e.g., Boei).
  1. High-Quality Backlinks: Despite fewer backlinks, they come from authoritative sources like AppSumo and other reputable platforms.
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  1. Footer Link Strategy: Effective use of footer links across their product ecosystem to pass link equity.


  1. Expand Backlink Profile: While maintaining quality, aim to increase the quantity of referring domains from more domains you don’t own.
  1. Guest Posting: Leverage the company's expertise to contribute guest posts on relevant industry blogs.
  1. Product Partnerships: Explore more partnerships or integrations that can lead to natural, high-quality backlinks.
The top 3 platforms to buy quality backlinks:

Content Strategy Analysis

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Blog Performance

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  • Traffic has grown slightly
  • Some new pages ranking well (e.g., ICE model post)
  • Overall, fewer pages ranking compared to previous period

Top Performing Content

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  1. "ICE Score Framework: Complete Guide 2024"
      • Ranking well for "ICE score" related queries
      • High-quality content with infographics, examples, and comprehensive information

Areas for Improvement

  1. Featured Snippet Optimization:
      • Current content structure doesn't fully capitalize on featured snippet opportunities
      • Competitors are winning featured snippets for key terms
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  1. Content Depth and Length:
      • Some posts are shorter than competitor content ranking for the same keywords
      • Opportunity to expand and enrich existing content


  1. Featured Snippet Targeting:
      • Restructure key content to directly answer questions in a concise manner at the beginning of posts
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      • Use clear, succinct definitions for important terms (e.g., "The ICE scoring model is...")
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      Before to After:
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  1. Content Refresh Strategy:
      • Prioritize updating existing content over creating new posts
      • Use tools like RankIQ to identify content gaps and semantic SEO opportunities
  1. Glossary Development:
      • Create a comprehensive product management glossary to compete with competitors like Product Plan
      • Ensure glossary entries are optimized for featured snippets and quick answers

Competitor Analysis

Main Competitors

  1. Product Plan
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  1. ProductFolio
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Key Findings

  1. Content Types:
      • Competitors heavily leverage glossary-style content
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      • Product Plan's top pages are primarily glossary entries
  1. Content Length and Depth:
      • Competitor articles often exceed 2000 words
      • More comprehensive coverage of topics with examples, visuals, and in-depth explanations
  1. Backlink Strategies:
      • Competitors have more diverse backlink profiles
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      • Evidence of strategic backlink acquisition to key pages


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  1. Glossary Expansion:
      • Develop a comprehensive product management glossary
      • Ensure each entry is optimized for featured snippets and provides more value than competitors
  1. Content Depth:
      • Aim for 2000+ word articles on key topics
      • Include more examples, case studies, and visual aids in content
  1. Strategic Backlinking:
      • Implement a targeted backlink acquisition strategy for key pages
      • Explore industry partnerships and guest posting opportunities

On-Page SEO Optimization

Current Status

  • Good overall structure, but room for improvement in specific areas
  • Some pages lack optimized meta descriptions and titles


  1. Title Optimization:
      • Use RankIQ or similar tools to craft compelling, keyword-rich titles
      • Ensure titles are within the 50-60 character limit for optimal display
  1. Meta Description Refinement:
      • Create unique, compelling meta descriptions for all key pages
      • Include primary keywords and a clear call-to-action
  1. Header Structure:
      • Implement a clear H1, H2, H3 structure in all content
      • Use headers to break up content and improve readability
  1. Image Optimization:
      • Add descriptive alt text to all images
      • Compress images for faster page load times
  1. Internal Linking:
      • Implement a more robust internal linking strategy
      • Use descriptive anchor text for internal links

Technical SEO Audit

Site Speed

  • Current average page load time: X seconds
  • Opportunity to improve site speed for better user experience and rankings

Mobile Responsiveness

  • Site is mobile-friendly, but some pages could be optimized further


  1. Speed Optimization:
      • Implement lazy loading for images
      • Minify CSS and JavaScript files
      • Leverage browser caching
  1. Mobile Enhancements:
      • Ensure all interactive elements are easily clickable on mobile
      • Optimize font sizes and spacing for mobile screens
  1. Schema Markup:
      • Implement relevant schema markup (e.g., Article, FAQPage) to enhance rich snippets
  1. XML Sitemap:
      • Ensure XML sitemap is up-to-date and submitted to Google Search Console

Content Refresh Strategy

Priority Pages for Refresh

  1. ICE Score Framework Guide
  1. What is a Chief Product Officer?
  1. Value Hypothesis in Product Management

Refresh Process

  1. Content Audit:
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      • Use RankIQ or similar tools to analyze current content against competitors
      • Identify keyword gaps and opportunities for expansion
  1. Semantic SEO Enhancement:
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      • Incorporate related terms and concepts identified by RankIQ
      • Aim to cover topics more comprehensively than competitors
  1. Structure Optimization:
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      • Implement clear, question-based headers for featured snippet opportunities
      • Use bullet points and numbered lists for better readability and snippet potential
  1. Update for Freshness:
      • Add current year to titles and content where relevant
      • Include recent industry developments or statistics
  1. Call-to-Action Enhancement:
      • Add clear, relevant CTAs throughout the content
      • Link to related ProductLift features or use cases
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Keyword Strategy

Focus Keywords

  1. product management tools
  1. feature prioritization
  1. product roadmap software
  1. user feedback analysis

Long-Tail Opportunities

  1. how to prioritize product features
  1. best tools for gathering user feedback
  1. product management framework for startups


  1. Keyword Clustering:
      • Group related keywords to create comprehensive content pieces
      • Use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush for keyword research and clustering
  1. Content Gap Analysis:
      • Identify keywords competitors are ranking for that ProductLift isn't
      • Prioritize content creation or updates based on these gaps
  1. User Intent Optimization:
      • Ensure content matches user intent for each target keyword
      • Create content that addresses different stages of the buyer's journey

Action Plan

  1. Immediate Actions (1-2 weeks):
      • Optimize existing top-performing pages for featured snippets
  1. Short-Term (1-3 months):
      • Begin content refresh process for priority pages
      • Develop and launch product management glossary
      • Implement strategic internal linking across the site
  1. Medium-Term (3-6 months):
      • Execute backlink acquisition strategy
      • Create new content based on identified keyword gaps
      • Expand on successful content types (e.g., comprehensive guides, case studies)
  1. Long-Term (6-12 months):
      • Continuous content auditing and refreshing
      • Regular competitor analysis to stay ahead of industry trends
      • Explore new content formats (e.g., interactive tools, videos) based on performance data


ProductLift has a solid foundation with its growing domain authority and high-quality backlinks.
The key to significant growth lies in a strategic content refresh, semantic SEO optimization, and a focus on creating comprehensive, authoritative content in the product management space.
By implementing these recommendations and consistently monitoring performance, ProductLift can substantially improve its search visibility and organic traffic, establishing itself as a go-to resource in the product management tools category.
Order your own SEO Audit today.