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LiftosaurLiftosaurWeight Lifting Tracking AppliftosaurliftosaurMaker of Liftosaur


New programmatic SEO strategies. Lots of backlink opportunities.

Liftosaur SEO Audit: Boosting Organic Traffic for a Fitness App

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Liftosaur is a powerful weightlifting planner and tracker app, offering both web and mobile versions.
This SEO audit aims to identify opportunities to increase organic search traffic and improve rankings.

Current Performance

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  • Domain Rating: 26
  • Backlinks: 745 from 236 domains
  • Organic Keywords: 291
  • Estimated Monthly Traffic: 230 visits

Top Ranking Keywords

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LiftOSAR is primarily ranking for specific workout program names:
  1. GZCLP
  1. Jacked and Tanned
  1. Arnold's Golden Six

Key Opportunities

1. Optimize Program Pages



  • Titles are too long, causing Google to truncate them
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  • Key program names often placed at the end of titles
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  • Lack of program-specific backlinks
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  • Restructure titles: Move program names to the beginning
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  • Example: "GZCLP Program Details: Everything You Need to Know | LiftOSAR"
  • Build backlinks to individual program pages
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  • Implement the skyscraper technique for popular programs
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2. Improve On-Page SEO

  • Add canonical URLs
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  • Create a robust XML sitemap
  • Ensure social URLs match canonical URLs

3. Expand Content for Competitive Keywords

Example: "Arnold's Golden Six" program page
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  • Add more in-depth information
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  • Include images (e.g., picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger)
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  • Add GIFs or images demonstrating exercises
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  • Provide historical context about the program

4. Backlink Acquisition Strategy

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  • Identify competitors' backlink sources using Ahrefs
  • Reach out to fitness forums and websites linking to competitors
  • Utilize the affiliate program as an incentive for backlinks

5. Content Expansion

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  • Create more in-depth blog posts (current posts are too short to compete)
  • Consider adding individual exercise pages to compete with apps like Hevy

6. Target More Valuable Keywords

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Current focus: specific program names Potential high-value targets:
  • "best weightlifting apps" (higher search volume)
  • "workout tracker"
  • "weightlifting planner"

Competitor Analysis

Key competitors identified:
  • Boostcamp.app
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  • Hevy app
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  1. Analyze their top-performing pages
  1. Identify keyword gaps
  1. Study their backlink profiles for outreach opportunities

Parasite SEO Opportunities

  • Leverage Reddit by providing valuable comments on relevant fitness threads
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  • Create detailed posts about Liftosaur on fitness-related subreddits

Technical SEO Recommendations

  • Ensure mobile responsiveness (critical for fitness apps)
  • Optimize page load speeds
  • Implement schema markup for fitness programs and app features


LiftOSAR has a solid foundation with its program-focused content. By implementing these recommendations, particularly around backlink acquisition, content expansion, and on-page optimization, the app can significantly improve its organic search visibility and traffic.
Key focus areas:
  1. Optimize existing program pages
  1. Build high-quality, relevant backlinks
  1. Expand content to cover more general fitness tracking keywords
  1. Leverage the skyscraper technique for popular programs
By executing these strategies, LiftOSAR can improve its rankings for valuable keywords and drive more organic traffic to both the web app and mobile app store listings.
Order your own SEO Audit today.